In addition to the guest courses, SPLV25 will offer core courses covering foundational knowledge as well as specialised courses covering more advanced topics. Details will appear here.
The school is aimed at PhD students in programming languages, verification and related areas. Researchers and practitioners are very welcome, as are strong undergraduate and masters students with the support of a supervisor. Participants will need to have a background in computer science, mathematics or a related discipline, and have basic familiarity with (functional) programming and logic.
We are happy to be able to offer some financial support for attendees.
Participants from Inclusiveness Target Countries* (ITC) can apply with EuroProofNet for funding towards travel and accommodation. The reimbursment rules can be found on the EPN website. Please contact Frédéric Blanqui to apply.
(*) list of ITC countries: Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine.
EDI Sponsorship: We can offer financial support towards attending the School to members of underrepresented groups in our community, thanks to our sponsors.
We are currently seeking sponsorship for the school. If your company is interested in supporting SPLV25, please get in touch with the organisers.
If you have any questions please get in contact with the local organising team at:
The principal organisers of SPLV25 are: